Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 3, Autumn 2002

Issue 3 of Emancipation & Liberation is out now. If you would like to buy this issue or subscribe, contact us. Unfinished Business: 11 September 1 Year on, Nick Clarke Columbia, the IRA, the US and Manifest Destiny, Matt Siegfried Which route for political, working class unity in Britain, Bob Goupillot Cymru Goch’s Resignation Letter,…


Bob Goupillot’s article on progress in E&L 2 was illuminating. The nature of the communist society of the future is not a matter of crystal ball gazing but, for materialists, should be a matter of some urgency. It will not develop organically if we just let it grow but is there to be determined and…

No nationalist road to socialism in Scotland

Phil Sharpe (Movement for a Socialist Future) reviews Imagine by Tommy Sheridan and Alan McCombes (Rebel Inc. Edinburgh, £7.99) This article first appeared in Socialist Future magazine This book, by Scottish Socialist Party leaders Tommy Sheridan and Alan McCombes, argues for a nationalist road to socialism. As thousands of Scottish workers face the sack as…

You are the weakest link! SSP Special Conference, the Left and No to the Euro Campaign

Allan Armstrong (RCN), mover of the active boycott motion assesses the SSP Special Conference How the debate was handled The SSP SC on June 22nd, voted by a 4-1 margin to campaign for a no vote when Tony Blair finally decides to set the date for the Euro referendum. An extended morning session was given…

Equal partners in the struggle

Catriona Grant explains why the fight for liberation must include the struggle against our emotional internalisation of constraints and beliefs Linda Gibson’s article in the first Emancipation and Liberation enthralled me. She was able to eloquently express many of my thoughts and feelings. It has often perplexed and confused me why Marxists are meant to…

Juvenilization, the family, and the capitalist state

Kathy Perlo argues that young people must be genuinely valued by society, and should neither be used as scapegoats, nor defined as non-citizens. To accustom children (those below puberty) to subordination beyond the natural needs of care and protection, they must be defined as non-citizens; to prepare young people (those above puberty but still requiring…

British Nationalism and the rise of Fascism

While the Anti Nazi League concentrates its effort on fighting German Nazis, fascism has very British roots. In a shortened version of an article he wrote while in the Republican Workers’ Tendency, Chris Ford shows the link between loyalism and fascism. Chris is currently on the Editorial Board of Hobgoblin. The British roots of fascism…