Police intimidation at Cop26

We are posting two pieces concerning the police intimidation and kettling of the Young Communist League contingent on the Cop26 demonstration in Glasgow on November 6th.  The first is by Mike Small of bella caledonia; the second is a statement from the YCL Central Committee.    1. POLICE INTIMIDATION AT COP-26 Saturday saw one of…

A Jewish socialist responds to Guardian article on the Holocaust

The Guardian published an article showing that more than half pf people living in Great Britain are unaware of the extent of Jewish deaths at Nazi hands, or that the UK government shut the door to Jewish immigration at the outbreak of the Second World War. Jeff Lever, a Jewish socialist, has responded to this…

Election night USA 2021: the Right strikes back

Many, including some on the Left, have claimed that the election of Joe Biden marked the defeat of Trump’s Right populism and the return of neo-liberal hegemony.  However, in the face of the multi-facetted crises facing global capitalism today, the Right populists’ desire to remould the world on the basis of the ditching of old-style…

The need to challenge the Populist Right’s “culture war” warriors

The Populist Right is trying to roll back the gains made the Black Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Movement, the Gay Movement and is trying to prevent Gender Self Determination being legalised.  Central to their strategy are attempts  to a play one group of oppressed against another. This has led to the emergence of what…

Crossing the Rubicon – Sinn Fein becomes Fianna Fail mark II

The following article was first posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland). It reports on the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis in October CROSSING THE RUBICON With vote on non-jury courts, Sinn Féin finally morphs into Fianna Fail mark II Leader Mary Lou McDonald at the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis at the Helix in Dublin. Resolution number 21…

Slow motion civil war in the USA

Daniel Lazare updates his recent article (Approaching train wreck) on the revival of Trump’s fortunes in Joe Bidens’ USA. Right populism is making a return mightily helped by the anti-democratic US constitution. This was first posted by Weekly Worker. SLOW MOTION CIVIL WAR As every car-owner knows, mechanical problems do not fix themselves. Until you…

Back to the past – again

James Harvey wrote the following article for Weekly Worker. It looks at the political significance of Tory government’s attempts to unravel the post-Brexit Protocol they signed up for over relationships with the EU and Ireland. BACK TO THE PAST – AGAIN Last week saw just the latest twist in the continuing stand-off between the British government…

What does the union flag tell us about the UK?

Allan Armstrong has rewritten the introduction to the first part of his book, From Pre-Brit to Ex-Brit. In this he takes a closer look at the history of the UK’s Union Flag. WHAT DOES THE UNION FLAG TELL US ABOUT THE UK? Today, even the United Kingdom’s most diehard defenders realise their state may not…

Approaching train wreck

The following article by David Lazare posted by Weekly Worker argues that far from being defeated, Trump’s Right Populists are making new ground, as Joe Biden flounders.  It make the case that the US’s anti-democratic  constitution is enabling this takeover.   APPROACHING TRAIN WRECK Last April, Joe Biden was “the calm after the four-year Trump storm”,…