Mass Farmers’ Strike In India

India has witnessed one of the largest strike movements in global history. This has involved many millions of farmers taking action against Narendra Modi’s Right populist and viciously sectarian government, which is strongly supported by the Tory government, and in particular, Priti Patel. The first article was posted by Women of Colour the day prior…

School Opening Revolt Puts The Squeeze On Union Bosses

This article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) shows how the social partnership between the Irish government and trade union bureaucrats is beginning to fray under school reopening revolt which puts the squeeze on union bosses The Dublin government announced in January that plans to reopen special schools as part of a phased reopening of the school…

Brexit – A New Constitutional Crisis

We are posting the following two articles on the Brexit. The first by Steve Freeman, posted on the Republican Socialist Network blog, highlights the nature of the constitutional crisis article brought about by Brexit. The second from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) is about the likely political impact of Brexit on Ireland and the illusion that this will pave the…

Whither Remain Or Will Remain Wither?

The ruling class has fully fallen in behind Johnson’s Brexit deal. After the Leave vote, May, assisted by Corbyn,  had already delivered them a new gastarbeiter scheme with cheap easily disposable migrant labour. Now after the December 29th vote to accept Johnson’s hard Brexit deal,  Daniel Hannan,* former Tory MEP and president of the Initiative…

The trade union bureaucracy and unionism In Northern Ireland

This article, originally posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland), highlights the ineffectiveness of the ICTU Northern Committee and trade union bureaucracy working within the parameters of the existing unionist state when it when it comes to protecting workers’ jobs, pay and condition. If the Irish Congress of Trade Unions through its partnership with the state is the…

Newry, Mourne And Down Council Workers’ Strike

With employers using Covid-18 to attack workers’ jobs, pay and conditions, there has been the beginnings of a fightback. This article first posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland) looks at the strike action taken by council workers in Newry, Mourne and Down council. Workers in Newry, Mourne and Down (NMD) took strike action on Thursday December…

Ruling Class Corruption And Capitalist Crisis

The following article by John Tummon looks at the recent exposures of corruption in the Tory government highlighted by the cronyism  for Covid-19 contracts Government Covid cronyism extends both to the appointment to key positions in its decision-making framework and to its’ award of contracts for carrying out services and providing equipment. This has now…

Further Political Developments In Ireland: North And South

We are posting the following two articles from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) in the current situation in Ireland, North and South. 1. STORMONT EXECUTIVE TAKES A RECKLESS TURN ON PANDEMIC For a long time Stormont has stood as a byword for sectarianism, corruption and incompetence. Under the pressure of the coronavirus crisis these features of the…

Trade Unionists Rally For Richie Venton And Extend Action

We are posting this follow-up article to the posting from Mike Picken of Socialist Resistance to the earlier posting from the Reinstate Richie Venton Campaign Trade unionists across Britain and Ireland are rallying to support Richie Venton following his sacking at IKEA Glasgow.  Mike Picken reports from Glasgow. A veteran trade union and socialist activist, Richie is the…

Jamie Driscoll On The Threatened Criminalisation Of Extinction Rebellion

It’s not often that we would post a piece by a Labour mayor, but Jamie Driscoll, Labour’s North of the Tyne mayor, made this very good response  to Boris Johnson’s and Priti Patel’s threat to criminalise Extinction Rebellion. “Extinction Rebellion could be treated as an organised crime group as part of a major crackdown on…