Book Review: A Celebration of the Life and Work of Robert Burns 1759-1786

A Celebration of the Life and Work of Robert Burns 1759-1786 An Independent Revolutionary Radical By James D. Young; Printed and published by Clydeside Press; £3.95 What does Robert Burns mean to me? Edinburgh People’s Festival Published by WP Books; £3.00 It is the 250th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns and we have…

From Davitt to Connolly – Internationalism From Below

The challenge to the UK state and British Empire from 1879-95 Contents of forthcoming book Introduction The growing conflict between liberal and conservative unionism in the period of New Imperialism Michael Davitt and the launching of the Irish Revolution in 1879 Davitt adopts an ‘internationalism from below’ strategy to spread the revolution The struggle against…

Republican Socialist Convention Report, 29.11.08

As well as an overview of events there are some comments and feedback from attendees. These are reproduced below, see the SSP  report below for more details. Brian Garvey, Fourthwrite, Independent Workers Union: The space given to democratic discussion, the planning and facilitation of the event was impressive and I’m fairly confident that it was because…

Republican Socialist Convention

Uniting the Left on the basis of ‘Internationalism from Below’ Frances Curran – Scottish Socialist Party Mike Davies – member of former Welsh Socialist Alliance Dan Finn – Irish Socialist Network Tommy McKearmey – Fourthwrite Declan O’ Neill – Convention of the Left Speakers will lead off Introductory outlining struggles in their particular countries and…

New Republicanism pamphlet

We have just published a new pamphlet titled Republicanism, socialism and democracy It is available for £1 including postage from the usual address. A short extract follows. For socialists republicanism in the United Kingdom describes the movement from below for a radical and militant democracy. Republicanism addresses those immediate democratic issues faced by the working…

Republican Socialist Convention

There is a Section on the SSP website on the Republican Socialist Convention. The agenda is still to be confirmed so watch that page for details. The page also contains links to the motion which led to the convention taking place and an article on it. Link is now dead and does not appear…

A Critique and Exposure of Tommy Sheridan’s Daily Record and The SSP has reached the crossroad “manifestoes”.

Tommy’s battle against the News of the World Tommy Sheridan has won a famous victory over the News of the World. This has been proclaimed by Tommy’s immediate supporters, the SWP and CWI, and by that section of the press and media, which likes to pretend it is morally superior to the News of the…

After the Scottish elections – what next for socialists?

Andrew Johnson, 16 May 2007 The recent elections to the Scottish Parliament have given a bloody nose to New Labour in Gordon Brown’s backyard and, with the Scottish National Party emerging as the largest party, there is the possibility of a constitutional crisis over the SNP’s plans for a referendum on independence. However, the Scottish…

The SSP, ‘Independence First’ And The Scottish Independence Referendum

A Scottish internationalist and republican approach – Republican Communist Network, Platform in the SSP 1. Introduction After February 15th, 2003 – the ruling class counter-offensive Many socialists, participating in the massive global anti-war protests on February 15th 2003, held high hopes after decades of retreat by the working class and oppressed peoples across the world.…