Basketball Rules in Palestine

Originally published in Emancipation & Liberation Issue 10, Summer 2005. Israelis have the right to play on both sides of the court, whereas Palestinians can only play on their own side. For security reasons, Palestinians do not have the right to pass the ball between players, the ball could hit an Israeli player. There will…

Republican Socialist Convention Report, 29.11.08

As well as an overview of events there are some comments and feedback from attendees. These are reproduced below, see the SSP  report below for more details. Brian Garvey, Fourthwrite, Independent Workers Union: The space given to democratic discussion, the planning and facilitation of the event was impressive and I’m fairly confident that it was because…

Learn the Lessons of the Fedayeen

This is an edited version of a speech by Yassamine Mather delivered to the September 7 London meeting of the Campaign for a Marxist Party The month of September is known in the Iranian exile calendar as the month to commemorate one of the biggest mass executions of political prisoners in the Islamic republic’s period…

No Attack on Iran

The stark warning by David Owen in his article, Signs of an Israeli strike on Iran,[1]The Sunday Times October 12. is just one of hundreds of references to the window of opportunity for a US-backed/tolerated Israeli strike on Iran between November 2008 and mid-January 2009, when the outgoing US president might feel inclined to give…

Republican Socialist Convention

Uniting the Left on the basis of ‘Internationalism from Below’ Frances Curran – Scottish Socialist Party Mike Davies – member of former Welsh Socialist Alliance Dan Finn – Irish Socialist Network Tommy McKearmey – Fourthwrite Declan O’ Neill – Convention of the Left Speakers will lead off Introductory outlining struggles in their particular countries and…

Diego Garcia

Britannia waives the rules Uncle Sam rules the waves Diego Garcia is an island in the Chagos Archipelago, lying in the Indian Ocean. It has been inhabited by a Creole people since the eighteenth century, when it became a British colony. In 1966, the island’s 2000 inhabitants were forcibly removed by Harold Wilson’s Labour government…