Free Pablo Hasél

We are posting this statement from the Republican Socialist Platform concerning the Spanish state arrest and imprisonment of Catalan rapper, Pablo Hasél. The Republican Socialist Platform condemns in the strongest possible terms the imprisonment of Catalan rapper Pablo Hasél. Pablo was convicted and now imprisoned in connection with tweets and songs taking aim at the…

Can reason end this witch hunt – Standing with Ken Loach

Sarah Glynn, who is a member of Edinburgh RIC, posted this article about the media treatment of Ken Loach on bella caledonia. It has also been posted on the Edinburgh RIC blog. When, last week, I wrote about attacks on academic freedom in Turkey, I didn’t expect to be following that article with one about…

Starmer’s speech failed, even In Its own terms

Grace Blakeley, staff writer for Tribune despairs at the future for British social democracy, after Sir Keir Starmer’s appeal to the British ruling class showing his Labour Party is at their beck and call whenever they get fed up with Boris Johnson. Keir Starmer’s speech (16.2.21) was an opportunity to present a bold alternative to growing…

Mass Farmers’ Strike In India

India has witnessed one of the largest strike movements in global history. This has involved many millions of farmers taking action against Narendra Modi’s Right populist and viciously sectarian government, which is strongly supported by the Tory government, and in particular, Priti Patel. The first article was posted by Women of Colour the day prior…

There isn’t going to be a Border Poll

We are posting this article from Republic Media (Ireland) outlining why it is very unlikely there will be a Border Poll anytime soon. This article also breaks out of the Irish nationalist exceptionalist tradition and draws evidence from recent events in Scotland. This is followed by a comment by Allan Armstrong, RCF, RSP about the…

Political party shifts ahead of the Catalan general election

Republican Socialist Platform member, Lorena Sorantes explores ideological shifts within the Catalan political parties ahead of next week’s crucial election. This article was first posted at:- Political Party Shifts Ahead Of The Catalan General Election This is followed by Emancipation & Liberation coverage of Catalunya, followed by Edinburgh RIC coverage of its participation in Catalan solidarity.…

After Brexit – Another Dialogue

 Below is a dialogue involving Phil Vellender of the Republican Socialist Alliance, Mike Picken (Socialist Resistance) and Allan Armstrong (RCN) and C.B, L.S, J.G., all of the Republican Socialist Platform This is a follow up E&L‘s recent dialogue, Starmer, the SNP and Brexit 1. Phil Vellender reports on the Another Europe is Possible conference held…

The Trump protests already have a precedent In the north of Ireland

E&L has already pointed out the connection between Trump’s attempt to block the confirmation of 2020 presidential result, with prior US attempts, backed by the Democrats too, to subvert elections in Latin America. The following article, which is based one from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) shows a connection much closer to home – in the North of…

Notes On Transphobia

Emancipation and Liberation is reposting this article by Rowan Fortune of Anti-Capitalist Resistance, which has appeared on the Republican Socialist Platform website. The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. Karl…

Brexit – A New Constitutional Crisis

We are posting the following two articles on the Brexit. The first by Steve Freeman, posted on the Republican Socialist Network blog, highlights the nature of the constitutional crisis article brought about by Brexit. The second from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) is about the likely political impact of Brexit on Ireland and the illusion that this will pave the…