Despite its misuse and abuse by capitalism, Iain Robertson illustrates how science and scientists have a progressive role to play. As debates continue about GM crops, global warming and environmental degradation, scientists can easily become regarded as a faceless group in the pay of the industrial/military machine that increasingly blights our lives across the globe.…
The Politics of Disability
Why is disability a question for socialists and what issues does it raise for us as socialists? Well, you only need to look at the Disability Rights Section of the SSP manifesto to answer these questions: There are about 800,000 disabled people in Scotland. 68 % of households with a disabled person have an Income…
Politics can be bad for your health
Mary Ward argues why communists must take an holistic approach to health and health care. In socialist circles, when you talk about campaigning around health issues, comrades, understandably, turn their thoughts to fighting to defend the NHS. The cuts in provision, introduction of the mysterious internal market, the quangos that run our local health services,…
Beyond Broadswords and Bayonets
Challenging left nationalism and left unionism in the SSP 1. Socialist Approaches to History in Scotland i) Book publication produces political storm ii) Scottish marxists and Scottish history – the long silence iii) The Scottish Left begins to rouse from its unionist sleep iv) The symbiotic relationship between British left unionism and Scottish left nationalism…
Red on Green, Green on Red
Alan Boylan argues why campaigning on environmental issues must be a priority for the Scottish Socialist Party. For millions of people across the globe the relationship between humankind, the animal world and our environment is a question, which has brought much heated debate. Humanity’s increasing separateness from nature, and the corporations’ promotion of the technological…