Nelson Mandela – Two Views Of His Legacy

MANDELA WILL NEVER BE YOUR MINSTREL Dear revisionists, Mandela will never, ever be your minstrel. Over the next few days you will try so, so hard to make him something he was not, and you will fail. You will try to smooth him, to sandblast him, to take away his Malcolm X. You will try…

Report Of The James Connolly Society Conference, 12 October 2013 In Edinburgh

James Slaven of the James Connolly Society provides us with the following report of its very successful conference held on Saturday October 12th in Edinburgh. For the second time this year, the Radical Independence Campaign provided a speaker for a JCS organised event. The speaker on this occasion was Liam O’Hare of Edinburgh RIC. On…

RIC and the Catalan Struggle

The RCN supports an ‘internationalism from below’ perspective within the campaign for Scottish self-determination. Edinburgh RIC branch proposed the workshop The Break-up of the UK: the Case for ‘Internationalism from Below’ for the very successful RIC conference on November 23rd. Dundee RIC branch proposed the workshop to address the denial of Catalan (and Basque) self determination by…

Ireland To Exit Troika – Old Ireland Free? A Nation Once Again?

John McAnulty of Socialist Democracy (Ireland) provides an analysis of the forthcoming exit of Ireland’s economy from the direct control of the IMF, EU, ECB Troika Ireland’s exit from the Troika mechanism, that had taken over as the effective government of the country, has been presented as a triumph for democracy and national independence by the…

The Unionist reaction to the White Paper

Well, they’ve been busy haven’t they. After delivering an analysis of how an independent Scotland would fare , using Westminster data, the IFS have got straight to work this morning. As well as reading the entire 670 page document and inputting all the data, they have produced a documentary showing the likeliest outcome. They shared…

The Ghost Of James Connolly – Book Launch

THE GHOST OF JAMES CONNOLLY James Connolly and Edinburgh’s New Trade Union, Independent Labour and Socialist Movements(1890-96) James Connolly’s role in Irish history is well known and celebrated. However, Connolly also played a prominent part in the ‘New Union’, independent Labour and Socialist movements in Edinburgh. Allan Armstrong, who conducts Radical Walks in the city, has…

2nd Radical Independence Conference – ‘After The UK: The Future Of 4 Nations’

The RCN received the unanimous backing of the Edinburgh branch of RIC to ask the RIC National Steering Committee to organise a session at the second national RIC conference on November 23rd in Glasgow, entitled ‘The break-up of the UK – the case for ‘internationalism from below’’. This was then unanimously agreed by the Steering Committee, subject to…

2nd Radical Independence Conference ‘Emancipation & Liberation’ Special

Our Emancipation & Liberation Radical Independence Conference Special will be available at the conference on Saturday, November 23rd.     CONTENTS   Editorial(also posted below) Scottish Self-Determination: For a Scottish Wannabe Ruling Class or for Scotland’s People? – RCN Why is Venezuela relevant to Scotland’s Radical Independence Movement? – Ewan Robertson Women and Independence –…

The Party We Need

Bob Goupillot (RCN) makes a positive response to the article, The party we need, by Moshe Machover, founder member of the Israeli Socialist organisation, now living in England. I was really heartened to read Moshe Machover’s article The party we need (WW November 7th 2013) as it succinctly summarises important aspects of our classes experience around…

Catalunya – Freedom Come All Ye

With delegates from Independence to Change All attending the Radical Independence Conference in Glasgow, Duncan McCabe of Dundee RIC looks at the current situation in Catalunya. Freedom Come All Ye Back in the mid-eighties 25000 anti-nuclear protesters took part in a CND-organised ‘Hands Across Scotland’ human chain. That was quite a show of solidarity, but it…