Beyond Leek-Flavoured UKism

We are posting this article first published by Red Pepper, which outlines the thinking of Undod (Unity). Undod is the Welsh equivalent of the Radical Independence Campaign in Scotland. The article highlights the weaknesses of “radical federalism” (sometimes called ‘progressive federalism’ by its Left unionists supporters). It makes the case for a Welsh Republic. Undod (Welsh for ‘Unity’)…

There isn’t going to be a Border Poll

We are posting this article from Republic Media (Ireland) outlining why it is very unlikely there will be a Border Poll anytime soon. This article also breaks out of the Irish nationalist exceptionalist tradition and draws evidence from recent events in Scotland. This is followed by a comment by Allan Armstrong, RCF, RSP about the…

Two reviews of books on the Corbyn Project

Tony Greenstein reviews Left out: the inside story of Labour under Corbyn by Benjamin Pogrund and Patrick McGuire as well Owen Jones’s This land: the struggle for the left. This article was originally entitled The Collapse of the Corbyn Project. There has been a marked reluctance by the Labour left to ask simple questions in the…

Covid-19: Social Murder, They Wrote – Elected Unaccountable And Unrepentant

We are are posting this article from  the British Medical Journal which accuses several state governments, including that of  UK ,  of “social murder” in their response to the Covid-19 pandemic. After two million deaths throughout the world , we must have redress for mishandling the pandemic. Murder is an emotive word. In law, it…

Political lockdown in Ireland as Unionist border fever rages

 This article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) outlines the likely consequences in Northern Ireland of the spat between the EU and the UK over the EU bureaucracy’s attempt to prevent vaccine movement over the border. The decision by the EU to briefly try to prevent vaccine movement across the Irish border before immediately retreating has sparked a…

Political party shifts ahead of the Catalan general election

Republican Socialist Platform member, Lorena Sorantes explores ideological shifts within the Catalan political parties ahead of next week’s crucial election. This article was first posted at:- Political Party Shifts Ahead Of The Catalan General Election This is followed by Emancipation & Liberation coverage of Catalunya, followed by Edinburgh RIC coverage of its participation in Catalan solidarity.…

Freedom Come All Ye – Resisting the RIC Terminators

On 3rd February 2021, bella caledonia published an article by Allan Armstrong, Freedom Come All Ye. This included an analysis of the politics behind the attempt by the Terminators to shut down RIC nationally. Since then, a provisional ‘Yes Alba’ has also morphed into ‘Now Scotland’. Allan’s original article has been updated to take in…

After Brexit – Another Dialogue

 Below is a dialogue involving Phil Vellender of the Republican Socialist Alliance, Mike Picken (Socialist Resistance) and Allan Armstrong (RCN) and C.B, L.S, J.G., all of the Republican Socialist Platform This is a follow up E&L‘s recent dialogue, Starmer, the SNP and Brexit 1. Phil Vellender reports on the Another Europe is Possible conference held…

School Opening Revolt Puts The Squeeze On Union Bosses

This article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) shows how the social partnership between the Irish government and trade union bureaucrats is beginning to fray under school reopening revolt which puts the squeeze on union bosses The Dublin government announced in January that plans to reopen special schools as part of a phased reopening of the school…

Emancipation & Liberation – Coverage of What Is Communism?

Below can be found links to articles published on the E&L website related to ‘What is Communism’? 1. WHY EMANCIPATION AND LIBERATION –  Emancipation and Liberation are heady words. Yet it is vital that we give serious consideration to what we stand for, not merely what we are against – RCN collective statement