I arrived at Ankara Esenboga Airport early on the morning of March 30, the day of Sandra Bakutz’s trial. I had no problems at passport control and was taken to a flat in Ankara’s Mamak district where I had a few hours’ sleep before going to the trial. It was due to start at 10:45…
Invitation To Observe A Trial
Is there justice in Turkey? Imagine it for yourself! On May 16 in Istanbul, a mass trial of the accused arrested in the April 1 operation will take place. On April 1, 2004, raids were carried out simultaneously in five countries. It was presented as an operation against the illegal DHKP-C. The operations in Holland,…
Interview with Sandra Bakutz (political prisoner in Turkey from February 10 to March 30, 2005)
Appeared in: ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt (Workers’ Standpoint) 138. Translated by RCN. As we learned just now, Sandra Bakutz was acquitted today (June 1, 2005) by a Turkish court! Like many, we are pleased about it and see it as a confirmation that international solidarity campaigning is both right and necessary. Here we publish an interview with her…
Freedom For Sandra Bakutz!
Austrian human rights activist Sandra Bakutz was arrested at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport on February 9th whilst entering the country to observe a trial. As soon as the plane landed police entered the plane and removed her from the aircraft taking her straight into police custody. As a result of an imprisonment order issued by Ankara’s…
The SSP, ‘Independence First’ And The Scottish Independence Referendum
A Scottish internationalist and republican approach – Republican Communist Network, Platform in the SSP 1. Introduction After February 15th, 2003 – the ruling class counter-offensive Many socialists, participating in the massive global anti-war protests on February 15th 2003, held high hopes after decades of retreat by the working class and oppressed peoples across the world.…
A talk given by John Wight (Scottish Socialist Party) at the G8 Alternatives Summit on July 3rd 2005 in Edinburgh
Greetings. Over a three year period, whilst based in the US, I was privileged to represent the IRSM at various events all over Southern California. My role there was to solidify and strengthen solidarity and fraternal links between the Irish struggle and the struggles of oppressed peoples taking place within and without the US. I…
Ireland’s Place In The Struggle Against Imperialism
Talk delivered by RSF Vice President Des Dalton at the Alternative G8 Summit in Edinburgh On July 3, 2005. The Irish struggle for national liberation, no more than any other national struggle, cannot be viewed in isolation. Since the foundation of the Irish Republican Movement in 1791, Irish Republicans have always been conscious of the…
Making The North East Atlantic Safe For Global Capitalism – a talk given by Allan Armstrong at the G8 Alternatives Summit
A talk given by Allan Armstrong (Republican Communist Network Platform in the Scottish Socialist Party) at the G8 Alternatives Summit on July 3rd 2005 in Edinburgh Earlier today, Eamon McCann, leading SWP member in Ireland, introduced a session entitled, Making Northern Ireland Safe for Neo-liberalism. It is revealing that such a prominent SWP member should…
RCN motion to October 2006 SSP Conference
This SSP National Conference agrees to adopt the following policies:- 1 SSP members should not resort to the state’s courts when seeking redress for politically motivated attacks on their behaviour. 2 When SSP members are subjected to politically motivated attacks by the state or media, they should be able to call upon the support of…
2006 Motion to National Conference – Passed
Affiliations by SSP This Conference agrees that the SSP should adopt the following principle when the party is affiliating to outside organisations/campaigns:- these organisations should be democratically organised, with committees and/or office bearers regularly elected at meetings open to its members or delegates. day-today policies should be in the hands of democratically elected committees or…