The 99%, The 1% And ‘Anti-Finance’

Oisín Mac Giallomóir of the commune argues the Occupy movement needs to oppose capitalist production not just capitalist finance and governments A lot of people have commented that a problem with the Occupy movement is that it is not clear what they are for. I think that is a smaller problem than the lack of clarity…

Liverpool – the city that dared to fight

Emancipation & Liberation has published a number of articles relating to the current struggle against public sector cuts including:- International Resistance To Public Sector Cuts Socialists have drawn lessons from the struggles against Thatcher in the 1980’s and 1980’s. Emancipation & Liberation has already looked at the lessons to be drawn from the Anti-Poll Tax…

A Republican Re-alignment

A REPUBLICAN RE-ALIGNMENT John McAnulty (Socialist Democracy – Ireland) Shortly before Elizabeth Windsor’s visit to Dublin, the death of police officer Ronan Kerr led to a moral panic across Ireland, with demonstrations in support of the status quo and with the great and the good claiming all Irish society was under threat. In the Assembly elections which followed a…

Tommy McKearney’s new book – ‘The IRA – From Insurrection to Parliament’

Tommy McKearney, former Provisional IRA member and hunger striker, now an organiser for the Independent Workers Union in Ireland, has spoken at the first Republican Socialist Convention organised the the SSP’s International Committee, and at the third Global Commune event – Trade Unions – Are They Fit For Purpose (organised jointly the the RCN and the…

An examination of the results of the ‘no’ victory

So, the ‘No’ campaign against the Alternative Vote (AV) managed to win decisively in every nation and region of the UK. Even in Scotland, where on paper a ‘Yes’ vote was supported by a confident SNP, sections of the Labour Party, and the Lib-Dems and Greens, the ‘No’ vote won handsomely everywhere, apart from Edinburgh…

The case for Abstention in the AV referendum

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the AV referendum on May 4th will very much play second fiddle to the elections to Holyrood, Cardiff Bay and Stormont. Ironically though, it is precisely in these three areas that the outcome of the referendum could be determined. People going to vote in the devolved assembly elections will…

Opposing the imperialist suppression of the revolution in North Africa and the Middle East

Here are 4 items relating to the current situation in Bahrain and Libya SSP Conference motion, 3 April 2011 Article by Moshe Machover – The long road of the Arab revolution Article by John McAnulty (Socialist Democracy – Ireland) the test of Libya Article by Pepe Escobar – Exposed the US-Saudi Libya deal Motion proposed…

Libya: imperialism’s next war in the Middle East

After days of bombs and missiles raining down on Muammar Gaddafi’s air defences and tank columns, it is clear the imperialists are settling in for a long war. With the legal cover of a UN resolution designed supposedly to protect the rebel population under attack, the USA, France and Britain have taken the lead in…

Two Royal Weddings… and a Republican Funeral for the UK?

Allan Armstrong (RCN) has written an article for the Word Power site (see Two Royal Weddings and… a Republican Funeral for the UK? by Allan Armstrong). He is author of the book, From Davitt to Connolly and co-author of the pamphlet, ‘Republicanism, Socialism and Democracy‘, puts the case for using the opportunity provided by the British…