The Myth Of “Real” Independence

Glasgow socialist blogger, Murdo Ritchie, comments further on the Independence Referendum. As the Independence Referendum moves on the issues get clearer and clearer. The main supporters of the “Yes” vote are attempting to assume all sorts of international treaty obligations and conditions that make the resultant independent Scotland seem more and more similar to life…

Pro-Choice In The US Needs To Take A Left Turn

Susan Dorazio, Women’s Liberation activist and past-convener of the Women’s Commission of the Socialist Party USA, currently residing in Scotland, highlights the dead-end into which the Democratic Party has taken the once vibrant US Women’s Liberation Movement over abortion rights. Since the U.S. pro-choice and pro-life campaigns spring from the same source, namely the ‘new politics’ and…

When Will We See Tanks In Barcelona?

The following article first appeared in International Viewpoint, the journal of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International. The Unionists’ Better Together campaign has invoked the Spanish state in its opposition to Scottish independence. Esther Vivas, an activist in Barcelona, highlights that the reason for the Spanish state’s attitude can be found in the unreformed Francoist elements still…

Beyond the Saltire and St. Andrew – Flying The Red Flag on John Maclean Day

Allan Armstrong argues that the saltire is not a symbol nor St. Andrews Day a celebration which republican socialists, or indeed anyone committed to a multi-ethnic and multi-faith (and non-faith) Scotland can see as their own. However, he points out that Scottish socialists can still make November 30th their own, whilst flying the red flag.…

The End Of The Road For The ULA?

The RCN has been chronicling the sectarian actions of the SWP and Socialist Party in breaking up socialist unity in England and Wales (Socialist Alliance) and in Scotland (SSP). It appeared, though, that their sister organisations in Ireland had made a real breakthrough when the United Left Alliance got 5 TDs elected to the Dail…

Michael Marra

Michael Marra, the acclaimed Dundonian songwriter and singer died on October 23rd in his home city. Here we publish Mary McGregor’s tribute from the forthcoming  issue of Emancipation & Liberation, being produced for the forthcoming Radical Independence Conference. This is followed by Hermless,[1]For those less acquainted with the Dundee dialect ‘hermless’ is harmless. Michael Marra’s tongue-in-cheek submission for…


Eric Chester argues that support for Scottish self-determination, which has informed RCN policy on Scotland’s independence, is not relevant and that a more pragmatic approach should be taken to decide whether or not to support independence. Eric also warns Socialists about the considerable dangers involved in supporting EU membership for Scotland. Socialists have always been…

The Radical Independence Conference – Which Way Forward?

Murdo Richie who runs the blog ( argues that the Radical Independence Conference faces a choice of taking one of two political paths – tail-ending the official SNP campaign or developing the best policies for an independent Scotland The Radical Independence Convention can only travel in one of two directions after the Conference of Saturday, November…

€9 Worth Of Criminal Damage To Gilmore’s Car

Eamon Gilmore, the Irish Labour Party Tanaiste (Depute Prime Minister) took protestor, Donall O Ceallaigh, to court for criminal damage to his car. The following article from eirigi highlights both the light, and far mote serious sides to this case. Peals of laughter rang out in Court 4 of the Criminal Courts of Justice in…

Sectarianism Hardwired Under The ‘Peace Process’

COVENANT MARCHES PROMISE ENDLESS SECTARIANISM The period following September’s mass Orange demonstration in Belfast commemorating the signing of the Ulster Covenant the event leading to Ireland’s Nakba, the partition of the country and generations of violence, colonial rule and sectarian division was followed by widespread expressions of relief and hope for the future. There had been no violence. The Orange Order had said they were sorry for the hurt feelings…