A monarchy based on slavery

This article by Mike Small on the links between the British monarchy and  slavery was first posted on https://bellacaledonia.org.uk/2023/04/16/a-monarchy-based-on-slavery/. It was written just before the coronation on May 6th, at Westminster Cathedral, but with Charles coming to receive the ‘honours of Scotland’ on Wednesday 5th July at St Giles Cathedral the EL&SD Editorial Board  is…

Your country – George Gunn

EL&SD is posting the new poem written by George Gunn. It highlights the continuing iniquity of land tenure in Scotland. YOUR COUNTRY   Your country is sold off in 45,000 acre parcels at £25 million a go by the inventor of the sticky back label who bought it from a down on his luck laird…

Leigh French – a tribute

It was very sad news to hear of the death of  Leigh French, co-editor of Variant. I was invited in the context of IndyRef2 to speak to a meeting organised by Leigh and Gordon Asher. What we shared in common was an appreciation of the significance of cultural struggle in challenging capitalism. Although we differed…

Empire state of mind

The following article by Mike Small was first posted on bella caledonia. It examines the the environmental legacy dating from the day the Cuyahoga River caught fire on June 22nd in 1969 to June 4th, 2013 when New York recorded the worst air quality indicator for any city in the world, following the major fires…