Reactionary Unionism Pushes The Irish ‘Peace Process’ Further To The Sectarian Right

Below are three articles from the Socialist Democracy (Ireland) website highlighting the role of Loyalism and mainstream Ulster Unionism, aided by the UK government in pushing the Good Friday Agreement further to the sectarian right. Underscoring the UK state’s own declining imperial role, Richard Haas, the unofficial US representative has been drawn in to help…

Freedom Come All Ye – The New RCN Banner

The four portraits on the Republican Communist Network banner provide good examples of the historical tradition we come from. These people have been chosen as representative of many others, whose names have often gone unrecorded, yet who have contributed to the struggle for human emancipation, liberation and self-determination. Each individual highlights different aspects of our…

An Ex-Soldier Responds To The Jailing And Dismissal Of Protesting Soldiers

The class-divided nature of the British Army is made very clear in the draconian treatment of fifteen soldiers jailed for staging a sit-in protest directed at senior officers in the Yorkshire Regiment (see article posted on BBC online at Yorkshire Regiment soldiers jailed for sit-in protest). Alan Boylan (RCN) is a former serviceman in the…

Nelson Mandela – Two Views Of His Legacy

MANDELA WILL NEVER BE YOUR MINSTREL Dear revisionists, Mandela will never, ever be your minstrel. Over the next few days you will try so, so hard to make him something he was not, and you will fail. You will try to smooth him, to sandblast him, to take away his Malcolm X. You will try…

Report Of The James Connolly Society Conference, 12 October 2013 In Edinburgh

James Slaven of the James Connolly Society provides us with the following report of its very successful conference held on Saturday October 12th in Edinburgh. For the second time this year, the Radical Independence Campaign provided a speaker for a JCS organised event. The speaker on this occasion was Liam O’Hare of Edinburgh RIC. On…

RIC and the Catalan Struggle

The RCN supports an ‘internationalism from below’ perspective within the campaign for Scottish self-determination. Edinburgh RIC branch proposed the workshop The Break-up of the UK: the Case for ‘Internationalism from Below’ for the very successful RIC conference on November 23rd. Dundee RIC branch proposed the workshop to address the denial of Catalan (and Basque) self determination by…

Ireland To Exit Troika – Old Ireland Free? A Nation Once Again?

John McAnulty of Socialist Democracy (Ireland) provides an analysis of the forthcoming exit of Ireland’s economy from the direct control of the IMF, EU, ECB Troika Ireland’s exit from the Troika mechanism, that had taken over as the effective government of the country, has been presented as a triumph for democracy and national independence by the…